Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tizen IVI Preview on ExoPc

There is a new Tizen IVI snapshot available so I thought I'd run it up on the ExoPC.

Needs a bit of tweaking to get the wlan up so you can update from the ivi base but otherwise runs up ok.

For details about this update see,_2012_preview_update


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Raspberry Pi Mer Hardware Adaptation

I've made some packages for the RaspberryPi to adapt the board to Mer.

Using the information released by the foundation at I've built 3 packages which consist of a kernel package, bootloader and mkimage tool to convert the kernel into a format readable by the bootloader. Packages can be found at

I've also created a Mer kickstart file which creates an image which can be easily written to sdcard and boots to X+qmlviewer within 20 seconds of powerup.  The kickstart and image can be found at

An ideal base for very low cost Qt/QML based products.  eg, Interactive bus stop, travel information display, store customer service etc

Check back for more details of how you can use the Mer PDK, for development.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spark Development

I've been working on the Spark project ( before Christmas focussing on the device adaptation for the Zenithink C71 hardware.

Here is a video of progress so far.

Thanks go aseigo, atp_uestc, mdfe_ and the Mer and Plasma Active project teams.

Linked here